Full Steam Ahead
Not really, but the demo for Path of Life is available on steam now. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1812640/Path_of_Life/ The past 9...
A Growing Database
Good day fellow Gamers, Today's post is to provide more information on recent progress. Recently while working on setting up skills and...
If you build it...
Another post just to kept whoever reads this knowing that the progress is moving. Well a snails pace is still moving right? I have been...
Back to Slow Progress
Hello Gamers, It's been another long time since I have posted on the developments of Path of Life. Sorry for that. Life has been doing...
Sorry to be slow
It's been a busy summer. The only parts I have really done with Path of Life is a few data entries. I have continued to learn more ruby...
Adding fun moments
Hello Gamers and anyone that is actually reading these. We have made movement with adding in text for the effects note on items. Next is...
Working on the database
Hello Gamers, I've moved back to the database of the program. Adding in entries for skills. Had to determine what character was going to...
Moving towards a demo
Hello all gamers, With my progress moving forward, I am excited to 'see' an expected delivery date for my demo to be August 2019. I'll do...
I love scripts, don't you?
Good day gamers, It's been a while, again. Apologies. Time available to work on Path of Life has proven to be short. So, today's...
Success with scripts
Hi everyone, it was a trialing 6 weeks, but I finally made changes to a script that needed some adjustments. At this point, I believe I...