I thought of this idea for using skills faster than going into the menu.
A new scene that is called with a different button to bring up a window to use skills that are only usable from the menu, not the battle.
As a request in a post below I've made an additional script for the item scene.
- Lets you specify what layout to use, 4 options
- Only shows skills that are usable in the menu, not battle skills
- Use note tags for custom skill description
- Supports icons in the note tags description
- Alter the number of lines for the help window
- Set the number of skill types to show in the command window.
- Specify how many lines to use for the status display
- Specify how many columns for the skills
- Control if the skill list will be full screen width or adjusted.
How to Use
Put below Materials and Above Main
Place tag in the skill note box if desired
<item text>
write all your text here
and more text here
also supports icon codes \i[112]
</item text>
Credit and Thanks
- Roninator2
Item Scene
Skill Scene