Continuing to work on a script I made for a member, I took my hand at making an entire DnD character creation script.
Has the basics of DnD characters but if you know of what should be included that's not here then please ask.
I only included making the characters and assigning stats.
The rest of what makes a DnD game is up to you to do. Unless you can explain it in detail and It's a script I could make.
- Too numerous to mention
- Please try the demo
- Two versions are now available
--- 1 is where all classes are planned and configured in the classes database
* Potential issue if you have something that will change the actor params. Making two actors of the same class will probably cause the params to change for both. but if you only do stat point distribution, then it's not a problem.
--- 2 is where every actor is a new class. This means that the classes.rvdata2 file is now located in a new folder. Please read instructions in script slot below materials.
Stat changes by leveling up. You only gain points when reaching level markers
How to Use
Download the demo and try it out
The current settings have two actors in the party, but their race is not assigned (demo 2). You have to assign a race to an actor before you can assign points to the stats. Of course you can just remove these two and configure the script to start the character creation when the new game starts. Up to you
Classes tab must be configured for each race and all classes each race can be. See both Demo's, but you might not be able to see any difference.
Not Included
Control over what the stats do. Only the text was changed
# Chart is based off stats starting at 5
# ╔══════════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╦════╗
# ║Attribute ║ 6 ║ 7 ║ 8 ║ 9 ║ 10 ║ 11 ║ 12 ║ 13 ║ 14 ║ 15 ║ 16 ║ 17 ║ 18 ║
# ╠══════════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╣
# ║Point Cost║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +1 ║ +2 ║ +2 ║ +3 ║ +3 ║
# ╠══════════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╬════╣
# ║ Total ║ 1 ║ 2 ║ 3 ║ 4 ║ 5 ║ 6 ║ 7 ║ 8 ║ 9 ║ 11 ║ 13 ║ 16 ║ 19 ║
# ╚══════════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╩════╝